Provoke keeps enemy units from using 2nd and 3rd skills.Good sustain unit (heal + def buff). Getting Started (Unit Recommendations, Runes, Minimum Stats)Trial of Ascension (ToA) is a PVE game content with various rewards upon completing certain floors/stage. )CC machine. I kind of gave him leftover runes with decent speed subs. Rune Builds: Unless you spend real money buying packs, L&D and Legendary Scrolls can only be redeemed from ToA completion.Each floor there are 3 waves of monsters with mini-boss on last wave. Good for stages where mobs apply buffs (Brownie Magicians, Theomars,  etc. IV. For some floors, you might need specific/niche units to counter the enemy such as Neal/Groggo/Light tank units against Ragdoll stage, strong Crowd Control team against Olivine/Hwa stage, and a few other stages that a standard team cannot normally handle. He provides provoke for boss rooms and stuns for trash waves. 2 AOE attacks good for clearing waves of enemies on lower floors.Great unit for rush clears. Additionally, it is a proving ground to test your game knowledge and skills as well as a metric on how good the quality of your runes are. The enabler and protector of the ToA team. That is why you need certain team comps that are ideal only for ToA (i.e. You can power through toa with standard dungeon teams, ie a couple healers, a cleanser, standard attackers, and some way to get you more turns like crowd control or bernard-like monsters thrown in the mix. Its 3rd skill is perfect for enemy waves dealing 2 Continuous damage for 3 turns (4 turn cool-down when max skilled). 2nd skill is a reliable stun for Crowd Control and 3rd skill deals additional damage per harmful effect on enemies.Excellent speedster unit, skill refresh and stunner (+50% ATB boost and 1-turn refresh to all allies). No attack disadvantage so it has a reliable CC, however you will need more debuff application from other units since Eredas only offers stun and nothing more.Good CC from 2 AOE attacks and freezes enemy units for 1 turn. Since it is a GB10 unit for beginners, you can use Shannon for AOE slow, and gives ATK and DEF buff to allies.This set-up consists of CC, DOT units and 1 sustain. Crowd control + Continuous damage on skills 2 and 3 which make it an effective unit against enemy waves.Good AOE continuous damage on 2nd skill and single target freeze + slow on 3rd skill.Great CC unit from 3rd skill reducing enemies attack bar by 35%.
With luck, they can summon rare monsters from reward scrolls.
A good ToA unit for early-game and even mid-game players.Good CC unit for starters when runed with despair set (3 skills with AOE attacks). A good team choice to get the most out of the Dark Taoist in ToA for early to mid game, including boss stages, could be Baretta(L), Belladeon (Light Inugami), Woonhak, Spectra and Mav. Runes/Stats: Also applies Atk and Def break.AOE slow and stuns enemy units when suffering SPD reduction effect.

2 AOE attacks that can freeze enemy units and resets ATB to 0. 2nd skill silences enemy units preventing them from using skills with cooltime.Excellent skill-refresh unit for a CC team. 2nd skill also applies ATK and DEF break useful against bosses.ToA MVP. The main strategy is Crowd Control (CC) and Damage Over Time (DOT).

I kind of gave him leftover runes with decent speed subs. Spectra ToA normal. Also has provoke and stun useful against bosses.Niche use to tank on Ragdoll stage. Immunity also makes things much much easier, if you have it. Additionally, she gains another turn if her 3rd skill kills an enemy allowing her multiple attacks.Bomb team leader (+24% SPD). Btw, I think I used Baretta leader skill every stage of last months ToAh so he had extra speed from lead as well.New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be castSubreddit for mobile game Summoners War: Sky Arena. 3rd skill applies 1-turn increase cooldown against enemies which makes your runs more reliable.Good tank and very useful against Ragdoll stage. The main strategy is Crowd Control (CC) and Damage Over Time (DOT). 2nd skill applies bomb and 3rd skill attacks all enemies to decrease the attack gauge by 50% and a chance to stun them for 1 turn with 60% chanceStandard bomber unit with 3rd skill dealing AOE DEF and ATK break. Excellent to pair with units like Aria who does not wake up sleep effects when attacking.Good Crowd Control unit having 2 AOE skills with a chance to stun and land glancing hits. In fact I would suggest if your Spectra is fast enough to get first turn then focus on crit rate, crit damage subs instead because on a lot of boss stages Spectra can be your only real source of damage. Also applies def break on 1st skill.2 skills with AOE attacks. Can stun enemy units, reduce ATB and land glancing hit debuff. Provoke is very useful against bosses to prevent them from using their 2nd and 3rd skills.Main sustain and mobility unit to speed up your team at the same time healing them by 30% (4-turn cooldown). Also applies def break, ATK break and blocks beneficial effects.

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