The track takes 4 days to walk. About 4km past Clinton Forks the valley becomes noticeably narrower, with granite walls boxing it in on both sides.Mackinnon Pass, further up the valley, comes into view for the first time and a short side track curves west (left) to Hidden Lake, on the far side of which is a towering waterfall. Les précipitations moyennes sont de 255 mm, pour 15 jours sans pluie.
It has a car parking area if you wish to leave your vehicle. After 4km at a knee-bending angle, the track reaches the large memorial cairn that honours the discovery of this scenic spot by Quintin Mackinnon and Ernest Mitchell, in 1888.The track then levels out and crosses the rest of the alpine pass, there are impressive views all around – of the Clinton and Arthur valleys and several nearby peaks. Time: 1 hour. Au fur et à mesure que vous vous rapprochez du col, l'ascension devient plus ardue, zigzagant le long d'un total de neuf lacets. Ça valait le coup de réserver plus de 8 mois à l'avance! The last leg of the Milford Track is an 18km walk to a shelter on Sandfly Point. Public Transport Most trampers (that’s hikers in Kiwi) take the boat across Lake Te Anau, a pleasant trip that is a good introduction to the area. It crosses Clinton River a second time and begins to follow a series of switchbacks out of the bush and into the alpine sections of the route. Both natural wonders are a short walk from the main track and worth the time it takes to see them, especially Bell Rock, where the water has eroded a space underneath large enough to stand in.

There are many frame bridges along this stretch, and the track ascends more steeply as it passes a side track to St Quintin Falls, eventually working its way to Lake Mintaro and Mintaro Hut – the second night stopover for independent hikers.

It takes about an hour to follow the lake past Doughboy Shelter, (private hut for guided walkers) through wide open flats at the end of the valley the shelter at Sandfly Point.Though it is important to be on time to meet the boat at 2 or 3 pm, Sandfly Point not a place to spend an afternoon – it’s a haven for (you guessed it) sandflies. Transport Suitable for walkers of all ages, it features huge valleys that are a result of glaciation over the last two million years. The Milford Track is a Great Walk. The open shelter just before Giant Gate Falls is a lunch stop if it’s dry. Nous nous arrêtons quelques minutes pour avaler un sandwich, le temps de faire plus ample connaissance avec les Malheureusement, les nuages ont raison de leurs adversaires et nous avons droit à un gros bol d'humidité. Nous progressons Thankfully the shelter there is reasonably sandfly-proof if you must hang around. La randonnée de 53 kilomètres part en amont du lac Te Anau, et vous fait traverser des ponts suspendus, des passerelles en bois et  un col de montagne. It was constructed for the 1996-97 tramping season. DOC operates 3 huts on the Milford Track.

Vous vous payez toute une fin de voyage. All independent walkers must spend the first night here because the hut at Mintaro will be fully used by the party that left Glade Wharf the previous day. For example:You'll also need water, snacks, biscuits, muesli bars, tea or coffee, powdered fruit drinks and emergency food in case of any delays on the track.For safety reasons the Milford Track doesn't operate as a Great Walk/Easier tramping track during May to October. À faire The track continues alongside the Clinton River to Clinton Forks, the site of die first overnight halt for independent walkers until 1998. Take a journey along valleys carved by glaciers, wander through ancient rainforests and admire cascading waterfalls.Bookings for the full Milford Track are open from 9.30 am on Tuesday 18 August 2020. Il faut se préparer pour notre départ pour…”

Milford Track Route Day 1: 1 hour 15 minutes, 5km. If the weather is fair, trampers like to spend some extra time at the pass.The track passes several tarns (small alpine lakes), ascends to the highest point of the walk at 1154m/3786ft and reaches Mackinnon Pass Shelter, before swinging north for the descent.

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