Elon Musk is worth $270 billion. All rights reserved. A California couple woke up one morning to find that their Tesla had caught fire while charging in their garage, causing $1million in damage. The company last year updated charging software after a fire broke out in November while a Model S was recharging in a garage in Irvine, California. Security footage showed smoke start billowing from the Model S before it was engulfed in flames. Fire crews responded quickly and doused the fire. In another episode, Tesla said it 'immediately sent a team on-site' after a Model S caught on fire inside aShanghai car park 2019. The property offer sweet spot! Elon Musks talks of a Twitter takeover mask Teslas troubles in China, Twitter adopts poison pill intended to thwart Elon Musks takeover bid, In major reversal, Elon Musk wont join Twitter board, How auto regulators played mind games with Elon Musk. Tesla MegaPacks - that are reported by news articles or verified primary sources. As for the cause? The company has proposed a settlement over the issue, and Elon Musk tweeted late last month: If we are wrong, we are wrong. https://web.archive.org/web/20221213060612/https://mynewsla.com/crime/2022/12/12 https://nypost.com/2022/11/18/tesla-bursts-into-flames-on-pennsylvania-highway/, https://twitter.com/duty2warn/status/1593613166172246017, https://www.bild.de/regional/hamburg/hamburg-aktuell/e-droschke-fackelt-nieder-tiefe-trauer-um-mannis-tesla-81718020.bild.html, https://www.roadandtrack.com/news/a41573015/teslas-flooded-during-hurricane-ian-are-spontaneously-igniting-in-its-aftermath/, https://www.bradenton.com/news/local/article266662776.html, https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2022-09-20/tesla-battery-fire-at-pg-e-facility-closes-california-road#xj4y7vzkg, https://www.stamfordfire.com/2022/09/15/fully-involved-tesla-car-fire-takes-42-minutes-to-extinguish/, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U-HN0MFO6I0, https://www.nieuwsblad.be/cnt/dmf20190901_04585874, https://www.feuerwehrmagazin.de/nachrichten/news/zwei-insassen-verbrennen-im-wrack-116983, https://www.cbsnews.com/sacramento/news/tesla-catches-fire-on-i-80-near-sacramento-1-person-taken-to-hospital/, https://bocanewsnow.com/2022/08/10/tesla-burns-on-i-95-in-delray-beach/, https://www.audacy.com/wwjnewsradio/news/national/tesla-car-battery-ignites-at-massachusetts-dealership, https://www.boothbayregister.com/article/fatal-car-crash-southport/163395, https://www.sohu.com/a/572385915_120826790, https://baijiahao.baidu.com/s?id=1739047608155970837&wfr=spider&for=pc, https://cnevpost.com/2022/07/22/taiwanese-star-jimmy-lin-injured-in-tesla-crash-report-says/, https://www.visir.is/g/20222288792d/grafa-brann-i-grafar-holti, https://mobile.twitter.com/TeslaqJ/status/1545755355736485888, https://www.11alive.com/article/news/local/atlanta-crash-ralph-d-abernathy/85-c224cf65-b2ef-47b7-8bad-facb0fa5a329, https://www.washingtonpost.com/nation/2022/06/22/tesla-fire-sacramento/, 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https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/fire-destroys-garage-parked-tesla-at-pacific-beach-home, https://www.wral.com/tesla-catches-fire-on-western-boulevard/18696498/, https://twitter.com/ceelkz/status/1161368454466719744, http://odwtv.de/video/g7n9l26ned5g?breuberg-odenwald-tesla-brennt-beim-aufladen-ab, https://www.aftonbladet.se/nyheter/a/QoOPWP/tesla-utbrand-pa-e18--borjade-brinna-i-satet, https://finance.sina.com.cn/chanjing/gsnews/2019-08-20/doc-ihytcitn0594830.shtml, https://www.t-online.de/auto/elektromobilitaet/id_45994834/wieder-ein-tesla-abgebrannt-so-gefaehrlich-sind-elektroautos-.html, https://tekniikanmaailma.fi/taas-uusi-tapaus-tesla-syttyi-itsestaan-palamaan-saksassa-jaljelle-jai-vain-tuhkakasa/?page=8dx, https://tvn24.pl/wroclaw/scinawa-splonela-zaparkowana-tesla-ra946078-2313264, https://www.10news.com/news/local-news/driver-arrested-after-fiery-tesla-crash-in-north-san-diego-county, https://insideevs.com/news/359527/tesla-models-crash-fire-wreck-video/, https://www.vrt.be/vrtnws/nl/2019/06/01/autobrand-tesla-in-antwerpen/, https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-7026253/Tesla-car-catches-fire-Hong-Kong-parking-lot-media.html, https://video.twimg.com/ext_tw_video/1160613113537990657/pu/vid/480x270/00iAPAvpB1TM1KZ2.mp4, https://www.autoblog.nl/nieuws/tesla-in-de-fik-tijdens-rit-op-een-n-weg-te-culemborg-123635, https://futurism.com/the-byte/tesla-fire-shanghai-parking-garage, https://pittsburgh.cbslocal.com/2019/04/17/monroeville-tesla-fire/, https://www.forbes.com/sites/billroberson/2019/04/23/tesla-looks-into-model-3-fire-caught-on-camera-in-china/, https://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/davie/fl-ne-electric-vehicle-battery-fires-20190225-story.html, https://abc7news.com/fiery-tesla-model-x-crash-in-fremont-leaves-driver-injured/5143718/, https://abc7news.com/video/embed/?pid=5144534, https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/local/Tesla-Vehicle-Catches-Fire-in-Los-Gatos-503080661.html, 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https://www.sun-sentinel.com/local/broward/fort-lauderdale/fl-sb-lauderdale-fatal-tesla-ntsb-20180626-story.html, https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/accidentreports/pages/hwy18fh011-preliminary.aspx, https://112fryslan.nl/tesla-beschadigd-door-brand/, https://electrek.co/2017/12/14/tesla-new-store-sweden-fire/, https://www.bygdeposten.no/bil/broom/tesla/erik-sa-royk-og-kjente-lukten-av-dynamitt-men-fikk-ikke-opp-dorene/s/5-10-145393, https://electrek.co/2017/10/18/tesla-model-s-fire-high-speed-crash-video-impressive-operation/, https://www.ntsb.gov/investigations/pages/HWY17FH013.aspx, https://twitter.com/temp_worker/status/1193508699505123328, https://www.blick.ch/schweiz/verkehrsunfall-bahnlinie-nach-unfall-waehrend-mehreren-stunden-unterbrochen-id6910491.html, https://mynewsla.com/orange-county/2017/06/25/tesla-destroyed-in-fiery-crash-outside-oc-fire-authority-headquarters/, http://auto.people.com.cn/n1/2017/0614/c1005-29339431.html, 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Tesla crash on highway, stays on fire for hours, Tesla collides with minivan, engulfed by flames, Teslas ignites after being in Hurrricane Ian, Tesla runs off road, crashes, catches fire, Car catches fire on freeway and spreads to brush, Two Tesla explode next to garage filled with ammo, Car spontaneously catches on fire at Tesla store, Taiwanese celebrity hits pole with Tesla, car catches on fire, Fire erupts after Tesla crashes into barrier, Totalled Tesla at junkyard ignites 3 weeks later, Tesla hits traffic light and catches fire, Tesla spontaneously catches fire at stop light, Tesla goes off road, hits a tree, and bursts into flames, House burns down from Tesla spontaneous fire, Tesla smashes into construction equipment, Tesla submerges in lake and still catches fire, Collision with another car, leads to fire, Spontaneous ignition that spreads to house, Tesla explodes in storage building and damages five other cars, Three accident causes Tesla to catch on fire, MegaPack catches on fire at Victorian Big Battery, Four vehicle collision, Tesla catches fire, Car goes down one way street and crashes into Tesla, fire breaks out, Tesla loses control and crashes into tree, catches on fire, Tesla hits concrete barrier, later catches on fire, Tesla crashes into tree with "no driver", bursts into fire, Collisions with cement barrier, car catches on fire, Driver hit traffic island, Tesla catches on fire, Car explodes in garage after minor accident, Tesla driver crashes into pole and dies in resulting fire, Tesla hits two cars along exit ramp & catches fire, Tesla charging burns up house, child injuried, Speeding Tesla crashes and bursts into flames, Cars catch on fire in driveway, spreds to house, Tesla runs red light, hits other car, battery explodes, Car carrier carrying Tesla's catches on fire, Tesla spontaneously catches on fire while parked on street, Tesla burst into flames and reignites later, Tesla spontaneously combusts inside garage, Tesla reignites several times after hitting tree, Tesla catches on fire while parked, reignites later, Trailer with multiple Teslas egulfed in flameseeeeeeeeees-r0zqqs, Tesla spontaneously catches on fire while parked, Car crashes and catches fire, reignites 5 days later, Service center with several cars burns up, Tesla catches fire while charging in garage, Tesla crashes on railroad tracks, burns up, Auction house lot full of cars engulfed in flames, Car catches fire durign test drive; bad electrical wiring blamed, Tesla drives off cliff and catches on fire, Tesla breaks in half and combusts after high speed chase. Regulators reviewed fires caused by the batteries in several Tesla vehicles, according to an NTSB report. In 2019, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) opened an investigation into a potential problem in Tesla Model S and X batteries that could cause fires, it said in a letter addressed to a Tesla lawyer at the time. By clicking Sign up, you agree to receive marketing emails from Insider When the driver returned, the car and Supercharger were in flames. Yogi Vindum, who described himself as a Tesla fan, missed the initial alert to his iPhone at 5:25 a.m. Please find alt route. According to Autoweek, vehicles with the classic internal combustion engine actually catch fire at a much higher rate than EVs. Tesla in the past has argued that its cars are a tenth as likely to catch fire as gas-powered vehicles, drawing on data from the National Fire Protection Association and U.S. Federal. They are being used. The blaze had started in one of the two electric vehicles in their garage and spread to the other. The first reported stationary Tesla fire occurred in 2016 in Norway. (KMOV) - Crews responded to a call for a fire at a home in Webster Groves early Monday morning. A New York apartment located opposite Central Park has become one of the biggest steals in the Big Apple after hitting the market for $599,000 - but the new owners will have to forgo windows if . According to this NFPA report covering data from 2005 through 2009, 1,150 of these spontaneous fires were vehicle fires. They face skepticism about the availability of charging stations, concerns about vehicle range and apprehensions over cost. It's suspected that the Tesla was also the source of the original garage fire. The crew quickly doused the flames and removed the car from the garage to avert a structure fire. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) found that in . A fire report said the blaze caused about $1 million worth of damage, per The Post. The car was on fire underneath the tires, so it went up in flames about 30 seconds after the crash, the person added. The Atlantic recently spoke with an attorney who's taken on a handful of lithium-battery lawsuit cases and believes that the country is being flooded by "a ton of batteries manufactured in China that are terribly made, completely unsafe [and] rushed to be placed on the market.". The vehicle battery compartment spontaneously caught fire while it was traveling freeway speeds on EB Hwy 50. Netherlands Starts the Year with 15% BEV Share, PG&E Will Test Tesla & Sonnen Virtual Power Plant Technology, Stellantis Takes On Two Partners To Reduce EV Production Emissions, 2023 Chevrolet Bolt EUV Premier Redline Edition Video Review, New Design for Lithium-Air Battery Could Offer Much Longer Driving Range, E-Bike Comparison: NIU vs. Heybike vs. Suburbia, Its Official: California Will Be Teslas Engineering & AI Headquarters, In 2021, 20% Of Electricity In The US Was Generated From Renewable Sources, Clean tech and sustainability market research, CleanTechnica Tested: The Jackery Solar Generator 1500 Pro, Sandy Munro: The Coming Wave of Chinese EVs. Join. You also agree to our Privacy Policy and Terms of Use. For example, a Tesla Model S burst into flames on a California highway last month. Tesla has faced mounting concerns over numerous reports of its vehicles catching fire. There are certain portions of electric vehicles [that] once they catch on fire, theyre very difficult to put out and take copious amounts of water, the official said. Total Tesla Fires as of : I knew it was in the garage. And that's the difference,' he told the Post. An official with the fire department commented on how challenging it can be to put out such a fire. What About Second Life Energy Storage? The Model S consistently ranks at or near the top of Consumer Reports' annual owner satisfaction survey. Healthy mother-of-two, 32, collapsed and died from brain bleed while she led fitness bounce class. Footage from a nearby doorbell camera includes audible explosions. The house was filling with smoke and alarms were going off as they escaped, he said. If you zoom in and look at the details, you can clearly see that those deaths didnt come from spontaneous fires, which is what this article is addressing. How Much Land Would It Require To Get Most Of Our Electricity From Wind & Solar? Has Battery Recycling Arrived Too Soon? Stay up to date with what you want to know. In addition to the dendrite problems, manufacturing issues can be to blame as well. It's not clear how the fire started but the aftermath claimed the cars, the ammo, and the house. The car was turned off and not plugged in at the time. Further, the fire service said that an investigation behind the incident is underway. Traditional gas-powered vehicles burned at a rate of 1,529.9 fires per 100,000 on the road. At around midnight Pacific Time, the San Francisco Fire Department responded to a car fire and discovered a Tesla Model S on fire and emitting dark smoke in a residential garage. "Based on our research, we know that there are many external factors that can cause a fire to occur, including building fires, vehicle damage, improper maintenance by unauthorized mechanics, aftermarket modifications and improper vehicle charging.. ', Yogi and Carolyn Vindum woke up December 30 to find their Tesla caught fire and was in the midst of causing $1million worth of damage to their home in San Ramon, California, Their two Teslas were destroyed, as were two bedrooms, an office and an upstairs bathroom. Six, that is, if you count the NTSB links they used that goes to a page not found. And if we look at that list of Tesla-related fires and go through each news article, we can see that many of those were driver errors, not randomly exploding cars. A Tesla vehicle caught fire inside a garage in St. Louis, Missouri, in the dead of night this week. Tesla did not respond to a request for comment on the specifics of the Vindums case, including a short narrative of the events and the Vindums view of Teslas response to the fire. One of these cars actually burst into flames in the dead of night in the garage of a home in Missouri just after Christmas last year. A crashed Tesla catches fire TWICE in Scottsdale- the first time was right after it crashed into a building, and the second time was as it was being towed away. While the ammunition cooking off in the garage is loud and appears dangerous, the Tesla Model X's battery on fire and a Model 3 parked next to it is much more of a concern to firefighters.. hazard for hours, [A Work in Progress] | Open Spreadsheet Version, Copyright (c) 2023 Tesla-Fire.com, a part of TeslaDeaths.com, Any sort of sustained and damaging thermal event contained within or on a Tesla car or product due to thermal runaway, charging station malfunction, external factors such as arson, etc. Apr 18, 2021 at 7:46am ET By: Mark Kane Tesla 's Vehicle Fire. Yogi and Carolyn Vindum haven't been able to return to their San Ramon home since the December 30 fire that sent flames into an upstairs office and destroyed two bedrooms and a bathroom. There are likely others that havent yet been attributed or widely reported on. West Wing actress Mary McCormack tweeted a dramatic tale about her husbands Model S erupting into flames in the middle of Santa Monica Boulevard in Los Angeles last summer. We also tally the number of fatalities involved with Tesla fires and provide links to additional photos or footage wherever possible. Tesla Model S Plaid erupts in flames and briefly traps owner after electronic doors fail, attorneys say. "At 22:19 hrs on Tuesday, November 23, 2021, FWFC along with mutual aid units were dispatched to a reported house on fire on Temple Drive. This article appeared originally on The Western Journal. . Tesla Fire tracks all Tesla fires - including cars and other products, e.g. According to the report, vehicle fires accounted for 15% of the fires, 18% of the civilian deaths, and 11% of the civilian injuries. 2022Recurrent Ventures. Sunrun Installed Almost A Gigawatt of Solar in 2022! "It's inherent to the battery chemistry of all lithium battery types. The couple's 2013 Tesla Model S 85 had caught fire as it was charging, and ignited a second Tesla Model S parked next to it - creating explosions strong enough to blow off the garage doors, they told the Post. Over numerous reports of its vehicles catching fire off and not plugged in at the time erupts. Land Would it Require to Get Most of our Electricity from Wind & Solar and Terms of.! As of: I knew it was traveling freeway speeds on EB Hwy 50 car was turned off and plugged... A call for a fire at a much higher rate than EVs the difference, ' he told Post. The batteries in several Tesla vehicles, according to Autoweek, vehicles with the fire department commented on how it! First reported stationary Tesla fire occurred in 2016 in Norway at the time Tesla -... You count the NTSB links they used that goes to a page not found a highway. Report covering data from 2005 through 2009, 1,150 of these spontaneous fires were vehicle fires it... 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