Clan Fraser is of Norman origin, and the bloodlines were brought to Great Britain by a knight named Frezel, from the lordship of La Frezeliere in Anjou. Page 383: A return of Uriah and Wade Slayton Administrators of the Estate of George Slayton, deceased made to Novr Term 1838--Money paid out as follows...Page 383: A return of Uriah and Wade Slayton administrators of the Estate of George Slayton deceased to May Term 1839--Paid out money as follows: Page 389: Jackson County, Georgia Jan 2nd 1839 appraisement of two negroes boys of the Estate of George Slayton deceased, viz Harry and Sip...$1500.00We do certify that the above property produced to us by Uriah and Wade Slayton the admr of George Slayton deceased given under our hands this 2nd day of January 1839On 15th of October 1784, State Grants of South Carolina (Revoluntionary War Bounty Grants) Volume 2 (1784-1821), page 60, "Know ye that in pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly of said State passed the twenty-eighth day of March in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and seventy-eight, and of an Ordinance of the State aforesaid passed the twenty-fifth day of March one thousand seven hundred and eighty-forth, We have granted and by these present go grant unto Major Slaton, a soldier enlisted in United States in the State Cavalry his heirs and assigns, a plantation or tract of land containing two hundred acres of land on the Toogaloo River bounding all sides on vacant land, having such shape, forms and marks...(for service rendered Line)...Given under the great seal of the state, witness his excellency Benjamin Gerrard, Esquire, Governor, and Commander in Chief and over the said State of Charleston, this fifteenth Day of October Anno Domini one thousand seven hundred and eighty-four and in the ninth year of the Independence of the United States.On 19th of February 1785, Surry County, North Carolina Court Minutes Volume 1 (1768-1784)On 27th of June 1792, Revoluntionary Claims of South Carolina Book 32 (31 August 1786-20 August 1793) Return 66, page 358, Major Slaton's account audited 7077.Indent to Mr Major Slaton for 6 months duty in of the General Assembly passed the 16th of December 1781, I have this day delivered to Major Slaton this indented certificate for the sum of 62 pounds, 13 shillings, and 3 pence, being the amount of pay, balance of bounty and extra allowance due him for duty in Col. Wade Hampton's Regiment of Cavalry.At Charleston, the Treasury Office this 27th day of June 1792.For Wade Hampton, Michl Crowley, Hyman LevyOn 22nd of November 1797, Granville County, South Carolina Estate Records (1787-1794), page 97-104, APT 8 File 512: John White of Greenville County, South Carolina...warrant of appraisement by Joseph Benson, James Benson, William Tisdale, and David Garrison directed unto by Wm and Henry White, Admrs of goods and chattels of John White, deceased.On 2nd of December 1804, Greenville County, South Carolina Deed Book G (1803-1807), page 248, On 2nd of March 1808, Greenville District, South Carolina "Petition for an order of sale of the estate of Major Slaton, deceased to David Goodlett, Esquire, Ordinary for said district, the petition of Edy Slaton, administratrix of the Major Slaton, deceased, estate.Humbly therewith that is necessary for to pay debt to legacies that there should be a sale of said estate...Edy (E) Slaton On 25th of March 1808, Greenville District, South Carolina Court Records, "Amount of the sale of the estate of Major Slaton, deceased, April 5 1807.An account of the amount different articles sold the 25th day of March 1808 belonging to the estate of Major Slaton, late of Greenville District." Martin Dick Frazier, born 09 October 1848.+ 288 ix.

It was Simon, 11th Lord Lovat (who had been exiled to France for having seized the widow of his cousin, the 9th Lord) who returned in 1715 to support the Government forces and his exile was terminated. Her father was Aaron Coppock and her mother was Mary Orrell. When the royal troops were rashly engage ' at Cul)odea, i the absence of so many of the clans, the Frasers effected a junction the morning of the day of battle, and having behaved with characteristic valour when the Highlanders were forced to retreat, the clan marched off with banners flying and pipes playing in the face of the enemy. Jonathan Frazier, born 27 February 1812 in Guilford Co., N.C.; died 26 February 1864.+ 217 ii. Witneseth that said Littleberry Slaton for and in consideration of the sum of seventy-five dollars to him in hand paid...doth grant unto said Mickey Slaton all that tract or parcel of land...Lying in County of Jackson on the waters of Cedar Creek containing one hundred acres more or less, it being three surveys bounded Southwest by Jonathan Betts land, West by Hosea Camp’s land Northwest by James Cowan’s land, and Northeast by Smith’s old survey, Southeast by Littleberry Slaton’s land...On 13th of November 1848, Harris County, Georgia Will Book 1, page 47, In the Name of God, Amen, I, Littleberry Slaton of Harris County in the State of Georgia, Farmer, being sound in mind do make and ordain this my last will and testament.I will and appoint that all my just debts be paid.On 21st of November 1825, Jackson County, Georgia Deed Book H (1822-1829), page 339, John Kirkland of the County of Jackson and State of South Carolina of the one part and Wade Slaten of Pendleton District, South Carolina of the other part.Witnesseth that said John Kirkland for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars in hand paid...doth grant unto said Wade Slaten a certain tract or parcel of land on the waters of Beach Creek, containing one hundred and sixty and ½ acres of land, it being part of five hundred acres of land granted to Micajah Anthony, beginning at a pine corner and running North 50 degrees, West 34 ½ chains to a post oak corner, thence South 50 degrees, West 43 ½ chains to a stake, thence South 50 degrees, East 39 chains to the old line covering on a pine, then to the beginning...On 30th of December 1825, Anderson County, South Carolina Deed Book R (1823-1826), page 489, Know all men by these present that I Waid Slaton of Pendleton District and State of South Carolina for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred dollars to be paid in hand by one John Harper of the same place...hath granted a piece or parcel of land containing one hundred and forty acres of land more or less unto said John Harper lying on the waters of Big Creek, a branch of Slauda River in the state and district aforesaid, beginning on a stake corner on the bank of Big Creek running Northeast 65 chains 23 chains to a hickory and Southeast 25 chains to a Conditional Line, Southwest 64 chains on the said creek from thence at the said creek to the beginning...On 4th of August 1826, Jackson County, Georgia Deed Book O (1851-1862), page 234 David Thomas of Jackson County, Georgia of the one part and Wade Slaten of the same place of the other part.Witnesseth that said Thomas for and in consideration of the sum of twelve dollars to him in hand paid the receipt...doth grant unto Wade Slaten a tract or parcel of land of five acres more or less being in the county aforesaid and lying on the waters of Birch Creek, it being part of a grant to Eleazor Worley, the 15th day of December 1806, beginning on a pine on Grove’s line, thence along Wade Slaten’s line along his Spring Branch down to Grove’s line, thence along Grove’s line back to the beginning...On 18th of January 1832, Jackson County, Georgia Deed Book I (1829-1834), page 351, Wade Slayton of County of Jacksonand State of Georgia of the one part and Lawrence House of the same place of the other part.Witnesseth that the said Wade Slatten for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars in hand paid...doth grant unto said Lawrence House a certain tract or parcel of land containing seventy acres more or less lying in the County of Jackson and on the waters of Beach Creek, it being part of a tract granted to Eleazor Mobley on the 15th of December 1806, beginning at a stake corner of Grove’s line west coursefromBoyces Old Shop Place, thence along Grove’s line to B F Burson’s corner red oak, thence along said Burson’s line to a post oak corner, thence said Burson’s corner North 29 degrees, West to a line corner, thence North 41 degrees, East to Wilson’s line, thence along Wilson’s line to a hickory corner agreed by David Thomas and Waid Slatten’s line, thence a straight line to beginning...On 11th of March 1861, Jackson County, Georgia Will Book B (1860-1880), page 100, In the Name of God, Amen, I Wade Slaton of Jackson County, Georgia being of advanced age and knowing that I must shortly depart this life deem it right and proper both as repects my family and myself that I should make a disposition of the remaining property with which a kind providence has blessed me do therefore make this my last will and testament revoking all others heretofore made by me.Ambrose Slatten appears to have died in the fall of 1836- spring of 1837 in Whitley County, Kentucky.His wife, Nancy appears in the 1840 and 1850 Census with some of his children.No will or intestate records to be found on him in Whitley County.On 4th of July 1836, Greene County, Tennessee Deed Book 18 (1835-1837), page 224, Hezekiah Slaton of the one part and James Hall of the other part both of Greene County, Tennessee.Witnesseth that said Hezekiah Slaton for and consideration of fifteen dollars well and truly paid by said James Hall...doth grant unto said James Hall a certain tract of land containing two acres in Greene County on the head waters of Lick Creek adjoining the lands of Chris Lightner and William Baskett and the land of said James Hall, beginning at a stake corner to Isaac Wheeler tract now Halls, thence West sixteen poles to a white oak on a line of Baskett’s thence South twenty poles to a Dogwood, thence East eighteen poles to a poplar, thence to the beginning...On 15th of February 1838, Greene County Deed Book 19 (1837-1839), page 343, Hezekiah Slaton of Greene County, Tennessee of the one part and James Hall of the same place of the other part.Witnesseth that said Slaton for and in consideration of the sum of five hundred dollars in hand paid...doth grant unto said lands of said Hall and Isaac Wheeler, containing one hundred and fifteen acres...beginning at a white oak convey to James Hall’s old tract, thence West with said Hall’s tract one hundred and ten poles to a spanish oak and gum on Hall’s and Wheeler’s line, thence said Wheeler’s line South ninety-seven poles to a stake, thence West eleven poles to a black oak to Lightner’s and Wheeler’s corner, thence with Lightner’s line, South seventy-two poles to a white oak and Pearce’s line, thence East with Pearce’s line eighty poles to a stake on E W Headrick’s line, thence North 19 degrees, East three poles to a red bank to Headrick’s corner, thence North 80 degrees, East four poles to a sourwood on Dulaney’s line near a marked poplar to Headrick’s corner, thence with Dulaney’s line North one hundred and forty-six poles to the beginning...On 28th of May 1801, Lincoln County, Kentucky Deed Book 3, page 33, joseph Slaten of Garrard County of the one part and Edmund Wood of Lincoln County of the other part.Witnesseth that Joseph Slatton for and in consideration of the value received in hand...doth grant unto said Edmund Wood a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Lincoln County containing 130 acres on the head waters of Green River..On 21st of May 1804, Garrard County, Kentucky Deed Book A, 562, Charles Sweeney and Frances, his wife of the County of Lincoln and State of Kentucky of the one part and Joseph Slatten of Garrard County and State of Kentucky of the other part.Witnesseth that for and in consideration of value received bt him Chas Sweeney before the sealing and delivering hath granted...unto Jos Slatten a certain tract or parcel of land lying in Garrard County on the waters of Sugar Creek containing eighty-five acres more or less...beginning at a poplar and beech on Tyre Slatten’s line near his spring branch, thence Westwardly to a hickory and buckeye on Sugar Creek, thence down said creek to sugar tree and iron wood trees at the mouth of a small branch, thence up said branch to a beech and sugar tree near the head of said branch, thence Southwardly crossing the ridge to a buckeye and sugar trees near a small branch, thence a line Eastwardly to a hickory and white oak trees on said Slatten’s line, thence Southwardly with said line to the beginning...Charles Sweeney SealOn 29th of October 1804, Garrard County, Kentucky Deed Book A, no listed page, Joseph Slatten of the one part of Garrard County, Kentucky and Henry Childers of the same place of the other part.Witnesseth that Joseph Slatten for and in consideration of the sum of one hundred and six pounds, five shillings lawful money of the State of Kentucky...doth grant unto said Henry Childers a certain tract or parcel of land containing eighty-five acres of land lying in Garrard County on the waters of Sugar Creek, being on the east side of Sugar Creek and Sinclair’s survey...beginning at a poplar and sugar tree and ash connects to James McFadden, thence with said McFadden’s line North 67 degrees, West 186 poles to a hickory and buckeye tree standing on the bank of Sugar Creek, thence down the creek with the meanders to a hornbeam and sugar tree standing line to Luke Adams, thence with the said Adam’s conditional line to a hickory, oak, and Ash in Tyre Slatten’s line, thence with said Slatten’s line to the beginning...On 6th of August 1805, Lincoln County, Kentucky Deed Book 3, page 32, Joseph Slaton with 200 acres of land along Green River in Lincoln County, Kentucky.On 20th of August 1806, Lincoln County, Kentucky Deed Book 3, page 32, Joseph Slaten with 200 acres of land along Green River in Lincoln County, Kentucky.On 27th of August1829, Adair County, Kentucky Deed Book, page 404, James Slatten and Anna Slatten of the County of Morgan, Illinois of the one part and John Skeen of the County of Adair and State of Kentucky of the other part.Witnesseth that said James Slatten for and in consideration of the sum of three hundred and seventy-five dollars to them in hand paid...doth grant unto said John Skeen the two allowing names tracts of land containing in the whole of one hundred and fifty acres of land being and lying in the county of Adair and State of Kentucky--the first tract beginning at the west side of the Lick Branch Creek of Green River on three beeches and buckeyes in aline of Thomas Montgomery’s survey, thence North 15 degrees, West 116 poles to Norvall Winnford’s line, covering in the same on the two beeches and an elm, thence South 80 degrees, East 80 poles to three beeches in said line, thence South 15 degrees, East 110 poles to said Montgomery’s line cornering in the same three beeches, thence with said line North 80 degrees, West 80 poles to the beginning containing fifty acres.The second tract or piece containing one hundred acres is bounded as follows: beginning at two hickories on the North bank of the Green River, thence North 15 degrees, West 174 poles to several beeches, thence North 15 degrees, East to three maples and a blakc gum, thence South 15 degrees, East 190 poles to a large red oak and a buckeye on a second bank of Green River, thence down said river as it meanders to the beginning, being two tracts of land purchased by James Slatten and Tyra Slatton... 78.

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