Though, it may not always be true.Birds are always in action. That is the secret to success.Share your experience with us. Do you go out very often to photograph birds? iPhone 11 goes Pro with photography One photographer, two days and Apple's three-camera iPhone in San Francisco. While photographing individual birds, it is always a good idea to fill the frame with the bird.Storytelling in bird photography should not be confused with the stories that run for pages. The success with birds in flight photography largely depends on the bird … Some of the obvious benefits are:Take a look at any photograph of a bird. You might have understood by now that the techniques are not dependent on camera, lens or the bird. It is not easy to take flight photographs that will wow viewers.The success with birds in flight photography largely depends on the bird as well as the technique that one employs. A decent APS-C or DX format camera body with telephoto lens of up to 300mm is more than sufficient to really get great bird photographs.It is important to realize that bird photography is much more than just the camera or the lens. Isn’t it?But, what if you do not know what makes a good bird photograph? What is the first thing you want to see? I put more importance on learning and practicing photography, than whatever gear I possess. By connecting your camera to your phone or tablet, you’ll feel closer to the action. But, care should be taken not to disturb them and maintain considerable distance.Capturing bird’s behaviour is much tougher than any other aspect. Enjoy photographing birds. The bottom line: If you love taking photos, you'll treasure the iPhone 11 Pro. I'm glad that I did.I was over the moon to be able to take these photos of the young Spotted Sandpiper swimming across the alpine creek because I've never had the opportunity to do so before.I was happy to have these juvenile Mountain Bluebirds in my viewfinder yesterday and to be able to listen to their soft calls high on the sagebrush dotted hillside.Yesterday morning the first birds I spotted in the high country of the Wasatch Mountains were two tiny, butt bouncing Spotted Sandpiper chicks foraging on their own.Last week I had a blast photographing several Yellow Warblers, young and adults, foraging for aphids in a patch of thistles high up in the Wasatch Mountains.I'm actually more than a touch fascinated by the Great Blue Herons I see, observe and photograph in the higher altitudes of the Wasatch Mountains.It is the season of phalarope migration here in the Great Basin hub of the Pacific Flyway and one of the best places to view these shorebirds is along the causeway to Antelope Island State Park.Two days ago the first bird I photographed high in the mountains was an adult male American Goldfinch clinging to thistles that were covered in ants and aphids.Yesterday I didn't miss photographing this gorgeous juvenile Townsend's Solitaire because I remembered to pay attention to what was going on beyond my viewfinder.Three days ago I was thoroughly delighted when an adult Willow Flycatcher that had been hiding behind a branch flew in for a nice series of close up photos.Want to have an email notification land in your inbox right after I publish a post?

This is a very tricky aspect for beginners and pros alike. To get a feeling of the bird’s world, then you need to get down to their level!Always try to photograph the birds from their eye level, except the birds in flight of course. If there is no light in the eyes, then they look dull or lifeless. I would be glad to answer any questions you have. Make every attempt to make amazing photographs of the common birds. I am very glad to say that I learned most of the photography basics here at Digital Photography School.I hope my story so far is an inspiration to you to embrace the beauty of these common birds.Remember that proper techniques will always outsmart equipment. It’s the eye…right?We tend to make an eye connection with any living being. We won't share it with anyoneYour email is safe with us. Let me know what you think, in the comments below.Except extreme close-up portraits of birds, every other type of bird photograph will look great when the background is clean and complementing the bird.I urge you to practice with common birds. What are your thoughts on this? There are few ways to make the bird comfortable:Remember to research and learn everything about the bird you are photographing.

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