Henda Ayari, ancienne esclave du salafisme, a accordé un entretien à Thierry Ardisson dans Salut Les Terriens.. Sur le plateau de l’émission, la Franco-tunisienne est venue présenter son livre intitulé J’ai choisi d’être libre.La jeune femme, qui porté le voile pendant 19 ans, a décidé de se détourner des pratiques sectaires du salafisme. He is free, placed under judicial control.Since filing her complaint, Henda Ayari has been regularly harassed; she is subjected to intimidation, insults, and more serious, physical assaults.A man who recognized her ran into her in a car, insulted her and threatened her with, in his words, “make her pay for her complaint against Tariq Ramadan.”As was the case, a few months earlier, the police quickly intervened, the attacker was able to be arrested and placed in police custody.Since filing a complaint against Tariq Ramadan, Henda has lived in anxiety and fear of assault on each street outing. Two way street jackass.You will receive a daily mailing containing links to the stories posted at Jihad Watch in the last 24 hours.Jihad Watch® is a registered trademark of Robert Spencer in the United States and/or other countries - Site Developed and Managed by Content copyright Jihad Watch, Jihad Watch claims no credit for any images posted on this site unless otherwise noted. She also said that she was constantly beaten by her mother.As for her ex-husband, the father of her three children, she said he spent most of his time at the mosque with Salafists and depended on public welfare to support his family.Before that decision and years later, she narrated how her “fanatic husband” used to beat her if she did not wear the headscarf. Henda Ayari : C’est l’enfer, je suis harcelée régulièrement, on m’a envoyé des menaces de mort et je reçois des messages d’insultes sur les réseaux sociaux. Initially Ms Ayari alleged that she was assaulted in March 2012 at the Crown Plaza in Paris; a claim which was always challenged by professor Ramadan’s legal team. En effet plus de 150 appels ont été échangés entre Henda Ayari et le clan Fourest plusieurs mois avant les premières plaintes . With the number of women in Hollywood coming forward and exposing Harvey Weinstein’s history of sexual harassment and rape, another case has been gripping the Middle East after prominent Islamist thinker Tariq Ramadan was accussed of raping Salafist-turned secular liberal activist Henda Ayari.Ayari has accused Swiss-Muslim thinker Ramadan, the grandson of the Muslim Brotherhood founder, of But who exactly is Henda Ayari? They appeal to the Minister of Justice alone to “stop” the unjustified prosecutions “against Professor Tariq Ramadan”.And invoked the Zionist conspiracy, racism and Islamophobia as the main responsible for the misfortunes of their protégé …Inversion of values, inversion of poles: Ramadan victim? It turns out that the mentioned - according to her claim - is Tariq Ramadan, according to explosive claims she made on her Facebook page in recent days.Ayari has published the book to tell her story of how she decided to abandon the Salafi approach and take off her hijab to live as a “free” Muslim more than a year ago.Hind said that she followed the 55-year-old Oxford university professor of Contemporary Islamic Studies and listened to his religious and social advice on social media.In her memoir, Ayari details how her alleged assailant invited her to meet him at a hotel in Paris in 2012, where he was taking part in a conference.Ramadan gave a lecture aside of the Federation of Islamic Organizations conference in Paris, then invited Ayari to his room in the hotel, she said that he took advantage of her weakness to hug and kiss her. Contacté ce mercredi 25 juillet, Me Francis Szpiner, qui défend également les intérêts de Henda Ayari, n'a pas donné suite.

He slapped me and was outright violent. “He portrayed France as a country of unbelievers who hated Muslims”. Face aux accusations de viol et d’agression sexuelle proférées contre lui par Henda Ayari, 40 ans, une ancienne salafiste devenue présidente de l’association Libératrices, Tariq Ramadan a réagi par le biais de son avocat, Me Yassine Bouzrou, un ténor du barreau de Paris. I saw someone who was no longer in control of himself. When she refused – as per her story – he slapped her violently.Muslim scholar Tariq Ramadan speaks at Cooper Union in New York, Thursday, April 8, 2010. Only the independent justice system in this country is able to rule on this matter, no one else. (Photo courtesy: C à vous) Lire aussi Henda Ayari, seule contre tous La rédaction vous conseille

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