The shield created can save your team as it will reduce the damage whenever the boss jumps. You should build Emma fast to ensure that her defense buff is set up to protect your team from the enemy nukers. When you’re using her, do consider the effectiveness of your allies first skills and necessity for cooldown reductions to see whether Lisa will be a good option. However this skill has high cooldown, so it is better to rune Emma with Violent runes.. Emma rune build Fortunately, her AI is smart enough at the final boss so that she will only use her 2nd Skill when there is immunity on the boss. Her defense buff is something really not to be underestimated, helping to protect teams. (as of Patch 1.8.1), Best Partner (Passive) will reduce the cooldowns of the selected monster by one turn each time. While you may have concerns that she does not offer a heal like Konamiya, more often than not, her cooldown reductions will help increase the overall survivability of your team. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. She is a go-to healer for guild wars, with her use even surpassing Chasun for many end-game players. While you have to be wary of her 2nd Skill’s buff remove, she is fortunately much more predictable than Belladeon as she will only target your wind monsters if they are present.

Besides that, she also serves as a good buff remover. Copyright © 2017 - 2020 Com2Us. Her best use is in Guild Wars, where the 3v3 setting ensures that the entire team will get the move off whenever she uses her 3rd Skill. Lisa (Fire Neostone Agent) is a great support monster in Summoners War. Emma offers a very interesting kit, giving you a 36% heal, 2 turn defense buff  and a potential shield.

You can set her up as a Nemesis healer similar to Ariel or Praha if you’re at a more end-game stage, or simply as a powerful defensive healer that better protects your team. Monsters: Fire Neostone Agent Lisa, Water Neostone Agent Emma, Wind Neostone Agent Olivia, Light Neostone Agent Illianna, Dark Neostone Agent Sylvia With cooldown resets, she speeds your runs by reducing the cooldowns of your nukers, while making it more reliable by increasing the availability of your heals. Some great monsters that can be paired with her includes Chasun and Theomars. You should aim to get as much HP as possible while retaining some decent defensive stats.As her heal scales off her own HP, she is much more effective when paired with defensive monsters such as Velajuel, Copper and Bulldozer.Emma is by far one of the most reliable healers. Site Review. However, she prospers in new, safe DB10 teams.

Additional Notes Cutting Magic will be used by the AI even against targets that do not have beneficial effects on them. Neostone Agent is a group of monsters in Summoners War that consists of 4 natural 4 star monsters and 1 natural 5 star monster. However, she prospers in new, safe DB10 teams. With her buff remover, stronger heal and shield and elemental advantage, she pretty much acts as a better Belladeon for DB10. While she can be used, there are more obtainable monsters that are easier to skillup. Dungeons: Emma is an extremely safe and reliable choice for both GB10 and DB10. While she does have a good crit leader skill, she is generally paired with nukers like Theomars who already has it as well. (as of Patch 1.8.1) Site Review. Veromos and other immunity monsters serves as more reliable cleansers while Mav is an overall better cooldown reduction monster.Due to her 3rd Skill’s randomness, Lisa isn’t really used as much in PvP as much as in PvE areas. A reliable Emma should have no less than 60% accuracy.While defense is important, HP is especially crucial for Emma. A standard Katarina combo can easily kill a Emma-reliant team off, especially since you don’t have to worry about her removing your invincibility buff like Belladeon does. Most Lisas are also built pretty fast, so you can bring a monster like Chloe to let her get the first, wasted move off first too.If you’re intending on runing her for raids, you need to stack as much speed as possible on her. Emma (Water Neostone Agent) is a great support monster in Summoners War.

At you will find guides, tips, rune recommendations and monster ratings that will help you progress in the game. Copyright © 2017 - 2020 Com2Us. Emma’s uses and effectiveness grows exponentially if you are able to get monsters such as Velajuel and Delphoi who are able to offer a cleanse and immunity. For DB10, Lisa, even without a first skill armor break, arguably serves as an upgrade to Belladeon in your speed teams, with a buff-remove that is only used if the boss has immunity up and a great 3rd Skill that helps your entire team. However, if you do see them, simply prioritize the enemy’s nuker threats instead of her and of course, avoid bringing monsters reliant on debuffs like bombers and DoTs. View guides, stats and rune recommendations for Fire Neostone Agent Lisa. In the Cairos Dungeons, Neostone Agent will still use the skill only on targets that have beneficial effects on them. However, do be ready to invest devilmons on her, as she requires her skills, especially her 3rd, to be fully skilled before you can really see the results. Copyright © 2017 - 2020 Com2Us. Besides the aforementioned Belladeon, monsters such as Talc and Basalt fulfills similar roles, but offers a useful provoke instead. With both immunity and Emma’s buffs, your entire team is protected from multiple violent procs from the enemy.

In the Cairos Dungeons, Neostone Agent will still use the skill only on targets that have beneficial effects on them. You should always bring a monster that can either ignore defenses or strip her buffs. Alternatively, you can bring heal blockers such as Briand to limit her effectiveness, as both her heal and shield will not work.If you choose to use Emma as your buff remover, accuracy is very important. When I first got Lisa, I immediately replaced Konamiya with her in my raids team and the results were pretty evident.

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