nU²#× Waswanii ͲÍpå ueBougoumou º9æ W istissini U²ÿ q Washaw Sibi Í»º å oCreebec X"ëâ3 Public Statement x���ࡖjw\O�{s��#�^�gN�VL�O4i�g?�`2�)�0���-�Hv�%�Ƞʟ�� h޴W�n7����_| �'�@F DG!� 8%6�\����6R�Zr��E���buusgZ���4[2�PRW5�V�-q�՞X�L9q/)�t��� #�Jè���-�T

On Monday, June 15, 2020, communities and nations around the world will mark World Elder Abuse Awareness Day, including Eeyou Istchee.


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Stay in touch.

If you already Public Update on COVID-19 ËÙËͲänÂ~¶¿¹VÍvpÂQ hamaoostui ÍäZ ʸ Chisasibi ;¢ å Wemindi ÄU~< Eastmain ¹²S~ Wasaanish Ͳ"Ù¹"pÊ emasa nU²#× Wasanii ͲÍpå ueBougoumou º9æ W istissini U²ÿ q Washa Sibi Í»º å oCreebec X"ëâ3 Public Statement Sign up to receive latest news, information about upcoming events and other updates by email. �~� ��c��Öq2�{w��p:���7?l9}��6l����x8a��=~������t~:z:���Ϸ�?߿��pL��8��O���=|=����k\ϋ�r�3{��xd�����:����,͊P]`y��&{��("�;k.��xY-������E�j�˵��s����{�/�Mۮn��X��є��Z4,��徍�y���F|}t�j4\ޛ�:��v�9/r���i.��9M��7&O�du���/�&{�oӬ5�� ����;Q���NԘf���B�e��J4�]�DgAt7��f)ע)tٯn�)y���&΂��hb���{mJ9ڸ�Y �v����5��E��z���E�9Y��"����q:�˻\[��"7�{�*/r�ȕEN9[�J��v�[�E��9v�.�E����y�;�� >H�ƒ1{q��ˇ�J{M>������ˏ׭��yv~m|�`yZ��L���~w�10��ջn� �;�F�\�l�YK*w�o�5�܉��M˷7 /�>���r�3�8Ϣ�Y����3�ϟ�㡳����F���� i��UR�&-��L�2Y�I]&m���� �+� endstream endobj 714 0 obj <>stream

Public pdate on COVID-19 ËÙËͲänÂ~¶¿¹VÍvpÂQ hamaoostui ÍäZ ʸ Chisasibi ;¢ å Wemindi ÄU~< Eastmain ¹²S~ Wasaanish Ͳ"Ù¹"pÊ emasa nU²#× Wasanii ͲÍpå ueBougoumou º9æ W istissini U²ÿ q Washa Sibi Í»º å oCreebec X"ëâ3 Public Statement You can unsubscribe at any time by using the links provided in the emails.Recommendations and Guidelines for Public Administrations in Eeyou Istchee h��Ao�F�� Public Update on COVID-19 ... Public Health team will continue to provide support communities in deciding which services to reopen and how to do it safely.

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Providing you with updates each week on Monday, Wednesday and Friday on the current situation in Eeyou Istchee for COVID-19The Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee)/Cree Nation Government, Chiefs & Councils as well as the Cree Board of Health will be working to provide you with updates on Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week while the COVID-19 Communications Plan is active.

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