The potential of occurring the major accident is high due to the above-mentioned reasons. Element - 2 NEBOSH IG1 - How health and safety management systems work and what they look like. Element-1 IG1 - Management of health and safety . This proves that the surgery is, As per scenario, there was nothing displayed about health and safety, , it also show that surgery dont take care of morals of health and, are not developed in surgery, as evident from scenario, the dentist has no idea what to do, it is also morally deficiency of surgery about, From scenario, they have begun to really value your advice about health and, as evident from scenario, this is your first, job after qualifying as a dental nurse. By Rhaynukaa Soni. They decide to seek advice from the corporate management team to explore whether there is a different solution that would resolve the blockage problem, but keep production going. GMMTA International will name their submission: Towlson Dominic, 12345678, GMMTA International, Answer sheet IG1_IGC1-0017-ENG-OBE-V1 Sept22, NEBOSH International General Certificate in Occupational Health and Safety, MANAGEMENT OF INTERNATIONAL HEALTH AND SAFETY, NEBOSH International Certificate in Construction Health and Safety, NEBOSH International Certificate in Fire Safety and Risk Management, Task 1: Discussing moral reasons for managing health and safety, In this task I will discuss moral reasons of managing health and safety in surgery. The NEBOSH General Certificate is suitable for managers and employees alike as it will provide everyone who attends and dedicates themselves to the learning with a detailed level of knowledge regarding health and safety matters and how to work in a manner which greatly reduces the probability of harm befalling themselves or others nearby. Explain how health and safety is regulated and the consequences of noncompliance. These are the NEBOSH learning outcomes covered by this chapter: Justify health and safety improvements using moral, financial and legal arguments, Advise on the main duties for health and safety in the workplace and help their organisation manage contractors, Registered in England & Wales No. Workers are going to work for the job and in return, they expect the monetary reward, this way they meet their and their familys needs. I will advise the contract manager and the operation manager to formalize the health and safety management system in the company and make a program to achieve the ISO certifications. (b) the precautions are reasonable, and the remaining risk is low. You are a newly appointed health and safety advisor for a construction company. So in pursuit of having a good output out of the business and to provide the best for the employees the first and foremost thing that should be done by an employer is to make the workplace safe for the employees. You have asked the contracts manager about this, who replied that the safety policy is an important document and is only available if needed for third parties. They think that because the near-misses arenot resulting in any injury or damage that is why they shall be ignored and not worth investigating. Cram has partnered with the National Tutoring Association, Ethical Responsibilities In The Workplace, Stricter Regulations For Safety In Trades And Industries, Key Some Of The Key Aspects Of Health And Safety Legislation. An effective health and safety management system can be beneficial for a variety of reasons. No-one should leave for. It seems likely that, as peoples expectations of life in general increase, their expectations for a healthy and safe life also increase. To change their attitude toward health and safety, I will have a formal meeting with them. The organisation also takes pride in recording low accident and incident rates and investigating any near misses to learn lessons and prevent more serious outcomes. Provide safe plant and equipment for office and mobile workers. You have a dual role as an experienced and respected Process Operator and a representative of workers at a large, high hazard site, run by an international chemical manufacturing organization. The permit-to-work explains that precautions will be enforced, along with any other site rules, by active monitoring. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. The strain on one's finances brought on by a reduction in one's ability to earn a living. The moral reason is based on the moral values that must be demonstrated by the employer for the wellbeing of the workers. Advise on the main duties for health and safety in the workplace and help their organisation manage contractors. Aside from the legal obligations for providing health and safety training to workers and ensuring that any necessary protective equipment is provided and suitably maintained, many people will expect managers of a company to have a moral responsibility for safeguarding the health, safety and wellbeing of their employees. The discussion/consultation results from these meetings shall be presented to the safety committee meeting for final decision making. Your email address will not be published. The courts have found that there is no liability if the relationship between the parties is too remote. So that they can easily work and enjoy to perform job while returning home. This will be done while you carry out routine plant checks and simultaneously check on the progress of the modification. The contract manager tries to reassure the health and safety committee that the company has an adequate statement of general policy for health and safety. Morals are the codes of conduct, or rules of behaviour imposed by a society regarding what is right and wrong. Precautions listed on the permit-to-work are also communicated to all. Another Moral Reason for managing safety is stated by Dr. Tony Boyle in his book Health and Safety: Risk Management as "An expectation on the part of society, in general, those organizations will take reasonable care to ensure that the people and activities they manage do not harm other people or their property". An accident includes any undesired circumstances which give rise to ill health or injury; damage to property, plant, products or the environment; production losses or increased liabilities (HSE65) For every 300 non-injury accidents, statistically it . After reviewing the details of the working environment, itis evident that the organization is not fulfilling its responsibility to provide a safe workplace for the workers. A summary of the risk assessment is circulated to all workers likely to be affected by the proposed modification. Effective health and safety management should result in the workforce embracing health and safety guidance and adopting safe working practices. Add to folder The other types of costs may be sustained by the occurrence of the accident due to poor and unsafe working conditions. Breadcrumbs Section. Their behavior and attitude toward health and safety reflect in the conduct of the workers. Answer. Organization do not have any incident accident reporting system, there is a high potential of having an accident in car parking, which can lead to a broken bone or fatal accident. (5). Accidents will reduce perpetually, and thus the losses due to accidents will be lost. Duty of care is the moral duty towards the other human who is working with you or is working on the premises with you or in any sense you are together, that they dont get hurt and you should be willing to do anything to help the other persons. The regulatory authorities may some restrictions on the operation of the business, and organizations may face enforcement or legal actions against it. accidents it is a very low moral in surgery. Q. As per ILO OSH 2001, the organization shall provide a safe place of work, but here we see the parking is unsafe and a lot of accidents have happened in the parking. Prior to commencing the work, a permit-to-work is issued to the contractors carrying out the tank modification. (5). The management and the workers do not know in fact near-miss incidents are the tip of the iceberg. Therefore, insurance policies can never cover all of the costs of an accident or disease, because either some items are not covered by the . Contracts generally specify the duties on each of the parties and the remedy if these duties are breached. Moral and Financial Arguments NEBOSH IGC1 - Reason for managing health and safety. There are several moral reasons for managing health and safety in the workplace. Assessment Criteria for NEBOSH IG1 Element 1: Discuss the moral, financial and legal reasons for managing health and safety in the workplace. It focuses on the core, Read More Difference Between NEBOSH IGC and NEBOSH NGC?Continue, NEBOSH IGC 2 December 2020 SCENARIO Over recent months large numbers of people, in almost every country in the, Read More NEBOSH IGC 2 December 2020 Solved PaperContinue, Your email address will not be published. (5). The existing safety committee can be a suitable forum to use for the consultations. One of the main reasons for having health and safety in the workplace is a Moral reason. Moral, Legal and Financial 'Drivers' of Health and Safety Moral Drivers Morals are the codes of conduct, or rules of behaviour imposed by a society regarding what is right and wrong. Encourage the workers to report all types of incidents, without thinking of being blamed. Promoting well-being: A safe and healthy workplace promotes the well-being of employees and contributes to their overall quality of life. The investigation will help in the following things. Promoting a positive work culture: A safe and healthy work environment contributes to a positive work culture and improved employee morale. The organization conducts frequent internal audits and is also externally audited. NEBOSH IGC1 Element - 1 Foundation in Health and safety . Societal expectation changes with the times. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. These groups may experience large and widespread effects, such as: A number of linked physiological diseases, such as post-traumatic stress disorder, are known to be susceptible to any major work-related injuries in addition to those who are directly impacted (PTSD). In developing nations which are undergoing their own industrial revolutions, standards are like they were in Victorian Britain and expectations are understandably much lower. Both the manager shall welcome the workers to listen to the safety issues and support them to solve these problems. Near miss give us the opportunity without any loss to reach a hidden problem which otherwise we might not be able to know, and we can adjust our safety system. Even so, there is still a lot of information taught on the course, some of which is quite complex and detailed like legislation and required processes/procedures. No resource allocation to improve health and safety. Based on the scenario only, discuss how effectively the contractors will be managed by the organization during the modification. In Health & Safety we will often hear or be taught the 3 Reasons to Manage Safely; Moral, Legal & Financial. No one has assessed the risks in the car park. The Safe Movement of People on NEBOSH General Certificate Courses, Studying for the NEBOSH General Certificate Assessment, The NEBOSH General Certificate and Conversion Courses, The NEBOSH General Certificate and Machinery Hazards, The NEBOSH General Certificate for Managers, The NEBOSH General Certificate for a Health and Safety Overview, Waste Management and the NEBOSH General Certificate. Disability and death will have more serious problems not for himself but also for his family. The working conditions show that a serious accident may happen at any time. The contract manager shall allocate and provide sufficient funds to meet the financial requirement to implement the health and safety management system. The organization does not have a channel to consult with the employees, and this requirement of ISO 45001 management system, as well as it is legal requirement under the regulation Health and Safety (Consultation with Employees) Regulations 1996 (as amended) (ref. You work in the head office, which is a two-story, 20 other office-based workers who administer construction contracts. Answers. Moral reasons for managing health and safety at the organisation. The health and safety culture is negative or positive based on the above four elements that contribute forming of the health and safety culture of an organization. The affected worker may get a serious injury, disability, or fatality, which will affect the life of the worker negatively. Based on the scenario only, what are the indicators of health and safety culture in the organization? The contract manager shall revise the safety policy and update it and put the realistic objective. That the bottle of ginger-beer was purchased for the appellant by a friend in a cafe, at Paisley, Glasgow, which was occupied by one Minchella; That the bottle was made of dark opaque glass and that the appellant had no reason to suspect that it contained anything but pure ginger-beer; That the said Minchella poured some of the ginger-beer out into a tumbler, and that the appellant drank some of the contents of the tumbler; That her friend was then proceeding to pour the remainder of the contents of the bottle into the tumbler when a snail, which was in a state of decomposition floated out of the bottle; That as a result of the nauseating sight of the snail in such circumstances, and in consequence of the impurities in the ginger-beer which she had already consumed, the appellant suffered from shock and severe gastroenteritis. Please sign in to share these flashcards. in accordance with the training they have received. I will give them a presentation about the importance of health and safety and ask them to implement a formal health and safety management system. (5). This is perhaps noticeable in relation to environmental issues which were not even generally discussed twenty years ago.. Designing and implementation of a safe system of work. 3099067 5 Howick Place | London | SW1P 1WG 2023 Informa UK Limited, Registered in England & Wales No. You have an idea what the problem is, but knowing the limits of your authority, you feel the issue should be escalated to someone more senior. The regulatory authorities may impose severe penalties and fines on the organization due to poor and unsafe working conditions and legal breaches. However, there are now several statutory rules which apply in particular to employment, disability discrimination, health and safety, data protection and occupiers liability to name but a few., The development of the law surrounding duty of care has been similar in the different jurisdictions but there are a number of differences between them, for example, the law of defamation in Scotland in comparison to libel and slander in England, and the law of nuisance. The management of safety is extremely poor and there are several unsafe practices, such as unsafe parking areas, the complacent approach of senior management, negative safety behavior of the workers, and ignorance of the importance of health and safety. These benefits are financial and non-financial, and the end of the day organization will have a positive impact on safety and business performance. Contract and operation managers shall show a visible commitment to health and safety by doing the following. Disability and death will have more serious problems not for himself but also for his family. In Great Britain, at least one person dies from work-related causes every working day, over 6000 people are hurt, and approximately one million people take time off due to illnesses they believe to be related to their jobs. The engineer confirms that this proposed modification method is a safe and widely used solution where the safety improvements are worth the cost. Summarise the main health and safety duties of different groups of people at work. Risk assessment for hazardous activities. This is particularly important with mental health issues including stress that can be hard to detect but could have a significant effect upon the behaviour and actions of the person. You work in the head office, which is a two-storyoffice building, along with: The opening hours of the office are flexible depending on the needs of the work. What type of serious injury may be sustained in the workplace (2)? 3) For those temporary workers who are brought in as cover, there will be recruitment costs involved for finding and hiring them, as well as a rise in training expenditure as they will all need to be trained up in how to do the job, along with health and safety training for themselves in order to stay safe in what will be for them an unfamiliar workplace. Employers and managers of a company have a legal and moral obligation to minimise the potential for anybody affected by the operations of the company coming to harm, such as being injured or suffering an illness e.g.