| 8.09 KB, C++ | . | 1.31 KB, JSON | 3) You will see the website and click "Proceed ro target". What is Murder Mystery 2 Script Hack The is a new hack for op murder mystery 2 script roblox game with the latest and updated existing features and protection. local nikopez = Instance.new("ScreenGui"), nikopez.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling, local exflabel = Instance.new("TextLabel"), exframe.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 0.0941177, 0.0941177), exframe.Position = UDim2.new(0.0218181908 * (tabs*5), 0, 0.0418994427, 0), exflabel.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), exflabel.Position = UDim2.new(0.0352941193, 0, 0, 0), exflabel.Size = UDim2.new(0.964705884, 0, 1, 0), exflabel.TextColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), exflabel.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.40000000596046, exflabel.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, for i,v in pairs(game.CoreGui.nikopez[tab]:GetChildren()) do. pez:addButton("espsettings","Show dropped gun",toggleespgun); pez:addButton("items","Tp coins",toggletpcoins), pez:addButton("items","Tp gun",toggletpgun), pez:addButton("movement","Noclip",togglenoclip), pez:addButton("movement","Fly",togglefly), pez:addButton("movement","Fast",togglefast), pez:addButton("movement","Highjump",togglejump), pez:addButton("movement","Tp to lobby",tplobby), pez:addLabel("credits","nikoo","niko#1809"), print("mm2 script by niko#1809 / lekolar2 ;)"), for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetPlayers()) do, if (pez:itemExists("playerlist",v.Name)) then, pez:addColoredLabel("playerlist",v.Name,v.Name,Color3.new(255,0,0)), pez:addColoredLabel("playerlist",v.Name,v.Name,Color3.new(0,0,255)), pez:addColoredLabel("playerlist",v.Name,v.Name,Color3.new(0,255,0)), if (x == 200) then pez:removeTab("credits"); else x = x + 1; end, for i,v in pairs(workspace:GetChildren()) do, if (v:FindFirstChild("CoinContainer")) then, for w,g in pairs(v.CoinContainer:GetChildren()) do. API tools faq. Murder Mystery 2 Script PASTEBIN 2022 | ALL KNIVES + ALWAYS MURDERER SCRIPT HACK | MM2 SCRIPT Artanis 94.9K subscribers Join Subscribe 435 Share Save 7.1K views 6 months ago #Roblox. Knife V1 script. All_Roblox_Player 6 mo. | 12.67 KB, C++ | Its gameplay assigns players to one of three roles at random, and the goal is, of course, to complete it. 36 min ago By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. | 1.51 KB, JSON | 24 min ago 0 . Roblox Knife Script. We shared this easy-to-use hack publicly on the ubuntu pastebin site! Prev Previous [INFECTED 2! | 2.87 KB, C | 16 min ago | 1.50 KB, JSON | 14 min ago How to download: 1) Click the download button. 19 min ago SHARE. -- You have no permission to repubish this in you model even if it edited. CFrameTrans(animd[trans_from][5], animd[trans_to][5], trans_amm), num_trans(animd[trans_from][2], animd[trans_to][2], trans_amm). | 1.50 KB, JSON | | 1.50 KB, JSON | --Credits: giantgamingchannel, Bartus2009_Bro, function onKeyPress(inputObject, gameProcessedEvent), if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.B then, -- Location: Players.Cronizete.Character.BODYGUARDSV2, -- Purchase Here: https://brack4712.xyz/synapse/purchase, --// M = Change Types of bodyguards (Snipers, riflers) Sniper is the default. {{0.15, 2}, 0, CFrame.new(0.4, -0.201, 0.2) * CFrame.Angles(-1.048, 0, -0.524), CFrame.new(-0.5, -0.201, -0.101) * CFrame.Angles(0.523, 1.396, -0.873), CFrame.new(0, -0.95, -0.801) * CFrame.Angles(-1.571, 0, 0)}. | 1.37 KB, JSON | Login Sign up. Yes. -- Remember this was designed for Manofthelol weapons so any other weapons might not work. paste . --// Click = Shoot (You have to aim at somebody for snipers, you don't have to for the rifles), for _, a in pairs(char:GetDescendants()) do, Weld = Instance.new("Weld",game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character), Weld.Part0 = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character["Torso"], Weld.C1 = CFrame.new(10, 0, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, 0), Weld.C1 = CFrame.new(-10, 0, 0) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, 0), if a:IsA'CharacterMesh' or a:IsA'Accessory' or a:IsA'Shirt' or a:IsA'Pants' then, bg = Instance.new("BodyGyro", snpr.HumanoidRootPart), bg.maxTorque = Vector3.new(math.huge, math.huge, math.huge), lazor.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Really red'), shirt.ShirtTemplate = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=139465409", pants.PantsTemplate = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=139466214", ----------------------------------------------------------------, mesh.MeshId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=31152467", mesh.TextureId = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=32002857", --------------------------------------------, mesh = Instance.new('SpecialMesh', sniper), mesh.TextureId = "rbxassetid://462309404", mesh.Scale = Vector3.new(0.006, 0.006, 0.006), weld.C0 = CFrame.new(-2,0.5,-0.2) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(-90),math.rad(0)), arms = {snpr:FindFirstChild("Left Arm"), snpr:FindFirstChild("Right Arm")}, local sh = {torso:FindFirstChild("Left Shoulder"), torso:FindFirstChild("Right Shoulder")}, weld1.C1 = CFrame.new(-0.249, 1.35, 0.6) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(290), 0, math.rad(-90)), weld2.C1 = CFrame.new(-1, -0.2, 0.35) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(math.rad(-90), math.rad(-15), 0), local bodyc = sniper:FindFirstChildOfClass'BodyColors', local skincolor = skinc[math.random(1,5)], sniper.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(sniper.Torso.Position, head.Position), local bodyc = rifler:FindFirstChildOfClass'BodyColors', for _, a in pairs(rifler:GetDescendants()) do, rifler.Torso.CFrame = CFrame.new(rifler.Torso.Position, head.Position), rifler:FindFirstChild'SNIPERSOUND'.Pitch = 1.2, rifle:FindFirstChildOfClass'SpecialMesh'.TextureId = "rbxassetid://546505949", rifle:FindFirstChildOfClass'SpecialMesh'.MeshId = "rbxassetid://546505802", rifle:FindFirstChildOfClass'SpecialMesh'.Scale = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), rifle:FindFirstChildOfClass'Weld'.C0 = CFrame.new(-.4,.6,1.6) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)), local ray = Ray.new(a.CFrame.p, (b - a.CFrame.p).unit * 700), local part, position = workspace:FindPartOnRay(ray, char, false, true), local beam = Instance.new("Part", workspace), beam.BrickColor = BrickColor.new('Really black'), local distance = (a.CFrame.p - position).magnitude, beam.Size = Vector3.new(0.08, 0.08, distance), beam.CFrame = CFrame.new(a.CFrame.p, position) * CFrame.new(0, 0, -distance / 2), game:GetService('Debris'):AddItem(beam, 0.1), a:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart'.CFrame = a:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart'.CFrame * CFrame.new(0,-i + 0.8,0), bg = Instance.new("BodyGyro", a.HumanoidRootPart), if follow and mode ~= "Riflers" and mouse.Target and mouse.Target.Parent and mouse.Target.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid' then, huma = targ.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid', for _, a in pairs(targ.Parent:children()) do, if a:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' then, snd = rootpart.Parent:FindFirstChild'SNIPERSOUND', ray(a:FindFirstChild'Sniper',targ.Parent.Head.Position), riflers[1]:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid':MoveTo(point1.Position), riflers[2]:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid':MoveTo(point2.Position), rootpart.FOLLOW.CFrame = CFrame.new(rootpart.Position, mouse.Hit.p * Vector3.new(1,0,1) + rootpart.Position * Vector3.new(0,1,0)), rootpart.Parent:WaitForChild'Laser'.CFrame = mouse.Hit, ypcall(function() rootpart.FOLLOW.CFrame = CFrame.new(rootpart.Position, mouse.Hit.p * Vector3.new(1,0,1) + rootpart.Position * Vector3.new(0,1,0)) end), if rifleshoot and follow and mouse.Target and mouse.Target.Parent then, if targ.Parent:FindFirstChildOfClass'Humanoid' then, if a:FindFirstChild'HumanoidRootPart' and huma.Health ~= 0 then, ray(a:FindFirstChild'Rifle',targ.Parent.Head.Position), huma:TakeDamage(huma.MaxHealth/2/2/2/2/2), game:GetService("UserInputService").InputBegan:connect(onKeyPress), if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.G then, -Sniper (ACOG, ANGLEGRIP, Laser, Silencer, Really black), -Support (HOLOSIGHT, BIPOD, FlashLight, Drum, Black), -Assualt (REFLEX, GRIP, FlashLight, Black), Sight = "IRONSIGHT" --ACOG, C79, M145, SUSAT, REFLEX, HOLOSIGHT, IRONSIGHT (IRONSIGHT ANYTHING ELSE), Grip = "NOTHING" -- VERTGRIP, BIPOD, ANGLEGRIP OR NOTHING (NOTHING ANYTHING ELSE), o1.GripForward = Vector3.new(-0.252553493, -0, -0.967582941), o1.GripPos = Vector3.new(0, -0.300000012, 0.300000012), o1.GripRight = Vector3.new(0.967582941, 0, -0.252553493), table.insert(cors,coroutine.create(function(). | 8.09 KB, C++ | MM2 a guest Dec 10th, 2016 6,344 0 Never Add comment Not a member of Pastebin yet? | 8.09 KB, C++ | cam_offset = CFrame.new(0.2, -0.37, 0.91) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(0), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)), local weapon_model = Instance.new("Part"), weapon_model.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), weapon_model.BrickColor = weapon_properties.brick_color, weapon_model.Transparency = weapon_properties.transparency, weapon_model.Reflectance = weapon_properties.reflectance, local mesh = Instance.new("SpecialMesh", weapon_model), mesh.TextureId = weapon_properties.texture_id, motors = {torso:findFirstChild("Left Shoulder"), torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder"), torso:findFirstChild("Neck")}, weapon_parts = {weapon_model:clone(), weapon_model:clone()}, motors[1].Part1 = character:findFirstChild("Left Arm"), motors[2].Part1 = character:findFirstChild("Right Arm"), motors[3].Part1 = character:findFirstChild("Head"), cam_larm.BrickColor = BrickColor.new("Really black"), cam_larm.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), local hmesh = Instance.new("BlockMesh", cam_larm), local check = {torso:findFirstChild("LeftWeld"), torso:findFirstChild("RightWeld"), torso:findFirstChild("HeadWeld")}, local check2 = {character:findFirstChild("WeaponObject"), camera:findFirstChild("WeaponAnimation")}, if check2[1] then check2[1].Parent = nil end, if check2[2] then check2[2].Parent = nil end, welds = {Instance.new(conn_type), Instance.new(conn_type), Instance.new(conn_type)}, welds[1].Part1 = character:findFirstChild("Left Arm"), welds[2].Part1 = character:findFirstChild("Right Arm"), welds[3].Part1 = character:findFirstChild("Head"), wep_weld.Part0 = character:findFirstChild("Right Arm"), local cam_welds = {Instance.new(conn_type), Instance.new(conn_type), Instance.new(conn_type)}, if (cur_p - last_p).magnitude >= 0.1 then, move_amm = math.min(1, move_amm + delta * move_anim_speed), move_amm = math.max(0, move_amm - delta * move_anim_speed), local r_serv = game:GetService("RunService"), local a_horse = (character:findFirstChild("HorseHead") ~= nil), local horse_cf = CFrame.Angles(0.0001, 0.0001, 0), local rndwait = (math.random(100, 1000) / 1000) * 4, local oldd = {horse_displace[1], horse_displace[2]}, local disp2 = {math.random(-60, 60), math.random(0, 25)}, ld = math.min(1, ld + ((tick() - st) * 4)), local x = oldd[1] - ((oldd[1] - disp2[1]) * eff), local y = oldd[2] - ((oldd[2] - disp2[2]) * eff), horse_cf = CFrame.Angles(math.rad(y), math.rad(x) , 0), r_serv.RenderStepped:wait() ------------------------------------------------, local breathe = math.sin(math.rad(tick() * 90 * breathe_freq)) * breathe_amp. MM2 Script - Pastebin.com Advertisement SHARE TWEET MM2 Script Paraciaz Sep 22nd, 2021 37,610 0 Never 1 Not a member of Pastebin yet? By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. {{0.15, 2}, 0, CFrame.new(0.4, -0.101, 0.1) * CFrame.Angles(-1.571, 0, -0.35), CFrame.new(-0.301, -0.301, 0.1) * CFrame.Angles(-1.048, -0.175, -0.524), CFrame.new(0, -1.201, -0.801) * CFrame.Angles(-2.095, 0, 0)}, {{0.6, 2}, 0, CFrame.new(0.4, -0.201, 0.2) * CFrame.Angles(-0.873, 0, 0.698), CFrame.new(-0.201, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.175, 0.349, -0.262), CFrame.new(0, -0.95, -0.801) * CFrame.Angles(-1.571, 0, 0)}. | 12.67 KB, C++ | Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. MM2 GUI - Pastebin.com Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. Most OP MM2 Script (Free Pastebin) Vee YouTube 92 subscribers Subscribe 27 Share 2.1K views 1 year ago In this episode, I will be teaching you how to get an OP SCRIPT GUI for free in. TWEET. Not a member of Pastebin yet? function ReloadSequence() -- this will be a pain in my blocky butt. 2) Then allow notifications. game.CoreGui.nikopez[tab]:FindFirstChild(name):Destroy(); v.Position = UDim2.new(0.0352941193, 0, 1, (25*count)-25); game.CoreGui.nikopez[tab].Visible = true; game.CoreGui.nikopez[tab].Visible = false; game.CoreGui.nikopez[tab]:ClearAllChildren(), local yoniko = Instance.new("BillboardGui"), yoniko.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling, local nikohead = Instance.new("BillboardGui"), nikohead.ZIndexBehavior = Enum.ZIndexBehavior.Sibling. 14 min ago This game was loved very much! 33 min ago Pastebin APItoolsfaq paste LoginSign up Advertisement SHARE TWEET MM2 OP SCRIPT SirPloit Jul 1st, 2021 22,819 33 min ago 33 min ago Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Advertisement. local TextButton = Instance.new("TextButton"); TextButton.Parent = game.CoreGui.nikopez[tab]; TextButton.BackgroundColor3 = Color3.new(1, 1, 1), TextButton.Position = UDim2.new(0.0352941193, 0, 1, (25*count)-25), TextButton.Size = UDim2.new(0.964705884, 0, 0, 25), TextButton.TextColor3 = Color3.new(255,255,255), TextButton.TextStrokeTransparency = 0.40000000596046, TextButton.TextXAlignment = Enum.TextXAlignment.Left, TextButton.MouseButton1Click:connect(function(), TextButton.TextColor3 = Color3.new(0,255,0), for i,v in pairs(game.CoreGui.nikopez:GetChildren()) do, if (game.CoreGui.nikopez:FindFirstChild(tab)) then, if (game.CoreGui.nikopez[tab]:FindFirstChild(item)) then. {{0.2, 2}, 0, CFrame.new(0.4, -0.201, 0.2) * CFrame.Angles(-0.873, 0, 0.698), CFrame.new(-0.201, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(-0.175, 0.349, -0.262), CFrame.new(0, -0.95, -0.801) * CFrame.Angles(-1.571, 0, 0)}. Download ZIP This is an ESP menu for the Roblox game "Murder Mystery 2" (Lua) Just copy and paste it into your injector. (PLAYER).Data.GunSkin.Value=(NameOfGun Skin), JSON | . Pastebin is a website where you can store text online for a set period of time. Works for free injectors. The Murder Mystery 2 Script is very useful Roblox Murder Mystery 2 is a popular horror game created by Nikilis that is based on a Garry's Mod game mode called Murder. Pastebin.com is the number one paste tool since 2002. | 1.37 KB, JSON | math.sin(math.rad(tick() * 90 * shake_freq)) * move_amm * shake_amp[1], math.abs(math.sin(math.rad(tick() * 90 * shake_freq)) * move_amm * shake_amp[2])), local p_distance = (head.Position - mouse.Hit.p).magnitude, if p_distance == 0 then p_distance = 0.0001 end, local p_height = mouse.Hit.p.y - head.Position.y, view_angle = math.deg(math.asin(math.abs(p_height) / p_distance)) * (math.abs(p_height) / p_height), local looking_at = cam_cf * CFrame.new(0, 0, -100), local view_angle2 = math.deg(math.atan2(cam_cf.p.x - looking_at.p.x, cam_cf.p.z - looking_at.p.z)) + 180, v_delta1 = math.abs(view_angle - last_va), local va_check = {math.abs(view_angle2 - last_va2), 360 - math.abs(view_angle2 - last_va2)}, dir2 = (view_angle2 - last_va2) / va_check[1], view_velocity[1] = view_velocity[1] / (1 + (delta * anim_p.aim_retract)), view_velocity[2] = view_velocity[2] / (1 + (delta * anim_p.aim_retract)), local calc1 = v_delta1 * dir1 * anim_p.aim_amp, view_velocity[1] = view_velocity[1] + (math.min(anim_p.aim_max_change, math.abs(calc1)) * (calc1 / math.abs(calc1))), local calc2 = v_delta2 * dir2 * anim_p.aim_amp, view_velocity[2] = view_velocity[2] + (math.min(anim_p.aim_max_change, math.abs(calc2)) * (calc2 / math.abs(calc2))), view_velocity[1] = math.min(anim_p.aim_max_deg, math.abs(view_velocity[1])) * (math.abs(view_velocity[1]) / view_velocity[1]), view_velocity[2] = math.min(anim_p.aim_max_deg, math.abs(view_velocity[2])) * (math.abs(view_velocity[2]) / view_velocity[2]), local curr_anim = PlayAnimation(anmtp, anmst) --left, right, weapon, wep trans, --curr_anim = {Animations.Default[1][3], Animations.Default[1][4], Animations.Default[1][5], 0}, local chestCF = CFrame.new(0, 0.5, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.max(-rot_amplitude_chest, math.min(rot_amplitude_chest, view_angle)) + 90 + breathe), 0, 0), weld1.C1 = (chestCF * curr_anim[1] * CFrame.new(0, -0.5, 0)):inverse(), weld2.C1 = (chestCF * curr_anim[2] * CFrame.new(0, -0.5, 0)):inverse(), weapon_parts[1].Transparency = curr_anim[4], weld3.C1 = (CFrame.new(0, 0, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(math.max(-rot_amplitude_head, math.min(rot_amplitude_head, view_angle))), 0, 0) * horse_cf):inverse(), weld3.C1 = (CFrame.new(0, 0, 0)):inverse(), if (head.Position - camera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude < 3 then, local cam_cf = camera.CoordinateFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(90 + (breathe / 2) - view_velocity[1]), 0, math.rad(view_velocity[2])) * arm_shake * anim_p.cam_offset, cam_welds[1].C1 = (torso.CFrame:inverse() * cam_cf * CFrame.new(-1.5, 0, 0) * curr_anim[1] * CFrame.new(0, -0.5, 0)):inverse(), cam_welds[2].C1 = (torso.CFrame:inverse() * cam_cf * CFrame.new(1.5, 0, 0) * curr_anim[2] * CFrame.new(0, -0.5, 0)):inverse(), cam_welds[3].C1 = (curr_anim[3]):inverse(), weapon_parts[2].Transparency = curr_anim[4], if inputObject.KeyCode == Enum.KeyCode.N then, repeat wait() until player.Character.Humanoid, local humanoid = player.Character.Humanoid, --game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Shirt.ShirtTemplate='rbxassetid://473465498'. 34 min ago By continuing to use Pastebin, you agree to our use of cookies as described in the. local camera = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera, local assetlink = "http://www.roblox.com/asset/?id=", local hit_sounds = {"153647516", "153647519", "153647522", "153647526"}, local death_sounds = {"146594640", "146594648", "146457047"}, local h = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid"), h = hit.Parent.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid"), local head = h.Parent:findFirstChild("Head"), sound_part.Size = Vector3.new(0.2, 0.2, 0.2), s_hit.SoundId = assetlink .. hit_sounds[math.random(1, #hit_sounds)], s_die.SoundId = assetlink .. death_sounds[math.random(1, #death_sounds)], local c_tag = Instance.new("ObjectValue"), if ch[i]:IsA("Hat") or ch[i]:IsA("Tool") then, local hit, hpos = Workspace:FindPartOnRayWithIgnoreList(ray, ign, false), local larm = character:findFirstChild("Left Arm"), local rarm = character:findFirstChild("Right Arm"), coroutine.resume(coroutine.create(function(), while tick() - start <= Settings.Attack_speed do wait() end, dg_soundobj[nm][math.random(1, #dg_soundobj[nm])]:play(), tool.Selected:connect(function(mouse) --Default, Idle1, Idle2, Attack1, Attack2, if not running or anim_equip > 0 then return end, if tick() - attack_perform <= Settings.Attack_speed then return end, local conn = rs.RenderStepped:connect(function(), anim_equip = math.max(0, anim_equip - (delta / Settings.Equip_time)), elseif tick() - attack_perform <= Settings.Attack_speed then, Animate("Attack" .. attack_type, (tick() - attack_perform) / Settings.Attack_speed), elseif tick() - idle_perform <= Settings.Idle_speed then, Animate("Idle" .. idle_type, (tick() - idle_perform) / Settings.Idle_speed), if tick() - last_action >= idle_rand then, tool.Deselected:connect(function() running = false conn:disconnect() end).